A list of all the projects that I have worked on till date:
A complete E-commerce application for buying shoes built on MERN stack
A chat application that allows to create account, send realtime messages and create groups.
An Airbnb clone website which allows users to post their property and book properties.
A Netflix clone that allows users to watch movies online.
A News PWA that fetches news from an API. You can filter news according to category, country and language.
Modern responsive developer portfolio template built using HTML and Tailwind CSS.
A completely responsive HTML-CSS template for an Agency with light-dark mode feature.
A completely responsive HTML-CSS template for Villa/Resort business.
A completely responsive HTML-CSS template for Architecture firm.
A completely responsive HTML-CSS template for an Agency.
Admin dashboard panel to manage the items on SNKRS application.
A Music Player App that plays Lofi Music.
A Blockchain powered EMR sharing and storage web app built on MERN stack,Ethereum and IPFS. The Web App allows users to upload,store and share their sensitive medical data with privacy and security.
An emergency help app to request nearby Medical help during emergency. The Web App uses requestors location and redirects the help request to nearby healthcare.
JamStack based Tutorial tracker that uses Next.js along with Netlify serverless functions.
An Instagram inspired Social-Media website built on Angular 9 which uses Database,Storage, Authentication and Hosting services of Firebase.
A Next.js full stack app that Bookmarks my favourite tweets according to their category.
A Next.js Full stack Task trakcer app that can add a new task by their category.
A Portfolio website built on Next.js and displays Markdown blogs.
A Next.js App that fetches pokemon information from a Rest API.
An Android App built on react native that fetches news from a News.org.